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'A New & Accurate Plan of the City of New York in the State of New York in North America'. This a wonderful map of the city of New York as it was in 1797. This map is essentially Lower Manhattan, from the south end of Soho at the top of the map and from The Lower East Side to Tribeca. Some street names remain the same, Wall St, Broadway, The Battery ( Battery Park)  and  Washington St.


There is some fascinating detail, including a work house, a Jail, The Governers house and The Fly Market, which was New York's oldest Market, established in the late 1600's. The word Fly originating from the dutch word 'vly' meaning  Valley or low lying area.


You can also see the 'old' and 'new' ferry routes to Brooklyn. The 'old route'  where Brooklyn Bridge now is and 'New route' where Manhattan bridge now is.

New York City Map 1797

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